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2 WINNERS "Fore" National Golfers Day

"Oh hit it Alice!" Golf plays a large role in the Pope Family. Jerry, late owner, would travel the United States with his wife, Connie,...

Free Lunch Friday!

For the past 85 years, we have had multiple offices come in as a group for chicken crunch salads on their lunch break. Why not boost...

It's National Ranch Dressing Day!

Did you Know? The 7-11 Ranch Restaurant makes all of their creamy dressings in house each morning! Since 1933, we proudly make our...

February Give Away

Roses are red, violets are blue, we like FREE stuff, how about you? Valentine's Day is quickly approaching and we have the perfect date...

January Give-Away!!

There's nothing better than a HOT cup of our homemade soup or a FRESH Homemade scone with honey butter! Ok, I guess it would be better if...

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